


Emergency kits and resilience to disaster or war!


QPC Olive plate carrier class 4 with side plates SA

(Price excluding VAT): 2.219,83

The Condor Quick Release Plate Carrier QPC Oliv with 2 plates NIJ-4 Stand Alone + side plates is a simple yet very practical plate carrier that has a lot to offer. First of all, the Condor QPC has been developed to carry both soft ballistic packages and hard ballistic plates and is made in a military camouflage color olive green.
This Condor Quick Release plate carrier is equipped with two large hard bullet-resistant plates NIJ-4 Stand Alone 25x30 cm and two hard bullet-resistant side plates NIJ-4 Stand Alone of 152x152mm (6"). as protection against war rifles and assault rifles such as M16, M4, SCAR 16, FAL and SCAR 17. The bulletproof side plates are of great importance, especially in trench warfare.

The Condor Quick Release plate carrier has a Molle webbing over the entire surface on which various modular accessories can be attached. There is a compartment in the Enforcer plate carrier for hard bulletproof plates and for soft bulletproof packages.
The Condor Enforcer has a fast release system, the controls of which can be placed on the left or right. This is primarily useful for emergency services who can use the Quick Release to release the bulletproof vest without having to move the victim to provide medical assistance.
Easy size adjustment makes the Enforcer an ideal solution for applications that are not size specific. Such as families with children where one can pass the vest on and adjust the size for the person wearing it.-
Hard ballistic plates NIJ-4 Stand Alone of 250x300mm NIJ0101.04.
Stops steel core bullets or AP ammo!
Double curved. Follows the shape of the breast well.
Standard dimensions: 250x300 mm.
Weight: 2.75 kg
Thickness 23 mm
7.62x63mm AP (30-06)
7.62x51mm AP (FAL)
7.62x54Rmm LPS MSC
7.62x39mm AP (AK-47)
5.56x45mm AP (M16)

Contains two hard bulletproof side plates Level NIJ-IV Stand Alone NIJ0101.04
Standard dimensions: 152x152 mm (6”)
Weight per plate: 1 kg.
Stops armor piercing bullets
7.62x63mm AP (30-06)
7.62×51mm AP (FAL)
7.62x54Rmm LPS MSC
7.62x39mm AP (AK-47)
5.56x45mm AP (M16)

Working principle: the bullet hits the hard bulletproof plate, deforms, breaks and crushes but remains in the bulletproof plate. There is no need to wear a soft bulletproof vest underneath. This plate carrier with Stand Alone bulletproof plates can be worn over a T-shirt or combat shirt. No significant trauma injuries from bullet impact.
The Enforcer tactical plate carrier only comes in one size but the cummerbund can be adjusted from Small to 2XLarge.


  • Dit product is enkel maar leverbaar naar een adres in België, Nederland of Luxemburg en kan niet naar andere landen verzonden worden.
  • This product is only available to an address in Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg and cannot be shipped to other countries.
  • Ce produit est uniquement disponible à une adresse en Belgique, aux Pays-Bas ou au Luxembourg et ne peut pas être expédié vers d'autres pays.
  • Dieses Produkt ist nur an eine Adresse in Belgien, den Niederlanden oder Luxemburg erhältlich und kann nicht in andere Länder versendet werden.
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QPC Olive plate carrier class 4 with side plates SA
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